A mobile and IoT centric platform to protect hazmat facilities & communities against hazmat releases
Digitally connect all Hazmat stakeholders using their mobile phones
Sophisticated detection and notifications
Comprehensive solutions for hazmat facilities for in-house response
Seamless integration of public safety organizations
Elaborate tools for readiness drills, exercises, and testing

Digitally connect all Hazmat stakeholders using their mobile phones
Hazmat+ brings all stakeholders together into one platform, allowing them to work together seamlessly and effectively using their mobile phones.
- Hazmat facilities and transporters – By their proximity to the release, they are best positioned to detect and report a hazmat release.
- Local fire departments – First responders respond to and mitigate the release.
- Local health organizations – They are responsible for treating those who are injured.
- Police departments – To manage traffic, evacuation, etc.
- Community water systems – To protect the water supply in the case of a release.
- EPCRA mandated organizations (SEPC/TEPC, LEPC, etc.) – Responsible for planning compliance
- State, regional, and federal emergency management organizations
What this means is that when a release occurs, anyone who needs to know about it can be notified as soon as a release happens so they can perform their appropriate tasks.
Sophisticated detection and notifications
Now that everyone is digitally connected, when a release occurs, we can send instant notifications to anyone who needs to know or act on it. Hazmat+ provides a number of ways to detect and notify.
- CBRNE/IoT sensors can detect and report releases 24/7.
- Tapping a button on an app
- Scanning a QR code – this avoids the need to install an app
- An IoT button installed nearby
- Asking a smart speaker
When a release occurs, time to respond is the most important factor. By bringing all the stakeholders together on a single platform and notifying them instantaneously, time to respond is substantially reduced.

Sophisticated detection and notifications
Now that everyone is digitally connected, when a release occurs, we can send instant notifications to anyone who needs to know or act on it. Hazmat+ provides a number of ways to detect and notify.
- CBRNE/IoT sensors can detect and report releases 24/7.
- Tapping a button on an app
- Scanning a QR code – this avoids the need to install an app
- An IoT button installed nearby
- Asking a smart speaker
When a release occurs, time to respond is the most important factor. By bringing all the stakeholders together on a single platform and notifying them instantaneously, time to respond is substantially reduced.

Comprehensive solutions for hazmat facilities for in-house response
Hazmat facilities now have the tools to detect a release and notify in-house teams immediately. Hazmat+ goes one significant step further. Hazmat+ can organize facility personnel into teams that can perform specific tasks. One team can be responsible for containing the release, another for evacuating, and so on.
Once everyone knows a release has happened, Hazmat+ can provide additional guidance:
- The exact location of the release and detailed floor plans.
- The name and composition of the chemical and its health risks.
- Real-time access to planning documents for evacuation, precautions, etc.
- Contact information for emergency resources.
Hazmat+ is not intended to replace 911, instead it augments 911. The tools mentioned above allow facility personnel to act even before the first responders arrive. This can be critical in many cases.
Hazmat+ architecture allows connections to the facility’s inventory system so that hazmat information does not have to be re-entered.
Readiness, exercise, and testing tools
In a system like Hazmat+, problems do not become apparent until it’s use is attempted. Therefore, all organizations should exercise it periodically. Hazmat+ provides a very simple mechanism to do just that.
As you know, central to Hazmat+ is the ability to send alerts to all those who need to act. You can send alerts just for the purpose of testing.
These drills can be performed at the hazmat facility, fire department, or platform-wide level.
It’s recommended that all organizations perform these drills as often as possible to maximize their readiness.

Readiness, exercise, and testing tools
In a system like Hazmat+, problems do not become apparent until it’s use is attempted. Therefore, all organizations should exercise it periodically. Hazmat+ provides a very simple mechanism to do just that.
As you know, central to Hazmat+ is the ability to send alerts to all those who need to act. You can send alerts just for the purpose of testing.
These drills can be performed at the hazmat facility, fire department, or platform-wide level.
It’s recommended that all organizations perform these drills as often as possible to maximize their readiness.
Seamless integration of public safety organizations
Fire departments, Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC), State/Tribal Planning Commissions, Regional Hazmat Response Teams, as well as federal agencies all play a critical role when working to mitigate hazmat risks. With Hazmat+ these organizations have access to hazmat related information within their jurisdictions at any time. More importantly, they are alerted when a release occurs.
With Hazmat+, all of these agencies can be on the same page at the same time when a release occurs so they can act together.
Fire departments are the most important public safety organization when it comes to hazmats. They have the following benefits:
- First responders get additional information that is not usually available from a 911 call: the exact location of the release, chemical composition/quantity, preplans, etc. in real-time on their devices.
- Hazmat+ alerts are received on the first responder devices instantly.
- Access to hazmat facility inventory – one of the most critical pieces of information first responders need during a release is the chemical inventory of the facility. Hazmat+ provides this information in real-time on the responder’s tablet or phone.
- Optionally, Hazmat+ can be integrated with the fire department’s CAD/RMS system to get a unified view of 911 calls, fire hydrants, as well as hazmat releases.
LEPC – They can share their planning documents with facilities and other organizations. The access to inventory information will aid their planning.
Regional Hazmat Response Teams – Since they are also alerted when a release of sufficient severity happens, they can immediately come to the aid of the fire departments.
State and Federal Agencies – They too can choose to act when a release is of sufficient severity.